
How to Install a Distributon Amplifier

There are 2 basic types of TV distribution amplifiers

1. Distribution Amplifiers Without Bypass

  • Inputs: 1 or 2
  • Connector: Coaxial
  • Purpose: Allows the input signal to be..
    • Split to a number of outlets (2, 4, 6, 8 outputs are the most common)
    • Boosted rather than weakening the TV signal

Distribution Amplifier With Bypass (Return Path)

2A. Distribution Amplifiers with Bypass (1 Input)

  • Inputs: 1
  • Connector: F Type
  • Purpose: Allows the input signal to be..
    • Split to a number of outlets (2, 4, 6, 8 outputs are the most common)
    • Boosted rather than weakening the TV signal

2B. Distribution Amplifiers With Bypass (2 Input)

  • Inputs: 2
  • Connector: F Type
  • Purpose: Allows the input signal to be..
    • Split to a number of outlets (2, 4, 6, 8 outputs are the most common)
    • Boosted rather than weakening the TV signal

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