
Do I need to upgrade my TV Aerial for the Digital Switchover

Joe asks,

Hi, I'm looking to get one of them new Saorview boxes but I heard that I will need to change my TV aerial to receive the new TV signal after the digital switch over. Is that true? If so, what type of one will I need?

Our answer;

Joe, no quick answer to this really. Maybe, maybe not. There is a good chance that if you already have an aerial in place that it may be a UHF aerial and that is the type you need to receive saorview. But it may be the correct colour group for the new transmitter.

The first thing you need to find out is if it is in fact a UHF aerial you have. If it is a VHF TV aerial, then you will be replacing that. If it is UHF then, you need to determine what type/group it is. If it is a grid aerial you will probably be fine. If it is a black tipped wideband aerial, you will probably be fine but if you got a colour grouped one installed originally, you may have to change depending on your location as some of the transmitter are changing their frequency range.

I know it's a bit confusing. The fact is that even if you have the correct aerial, you may have to realign it aswell. Check out our Saorview Coverage page to help you see what type of aerial you will need in your area.

There is a list of TV Aerials on the right hand side of this page to pick from. I know it kinda sounds complicated but really, it's not and the saorview coverage map really simplifies it for you.

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